третья поптка

Novels and Short Story Collections by Julia Kissina

• “Madame la Dostoevskaja”. novel. Scritturapura, Torino. 2020 (Italian Edition)
• “Elephantina’s Moscow Years” (Elephantinas Moskauer Jahre), novel. Surkamp Verlag, Berlin. 2016 (Germ. ed.)
• “Elephantina” (Юлия Кисина. Элефантина) М. Эксмо. 2018 (Russ. ed.)
• “Springtime on the Moon” (Юлія Кісіна. Весна на Місяці) Fabula. Ukraine. 2017 (Ukr. ed.)
•  “Springtime on the Moon” (Весна на луне) Azbuka. St. Petersburg. 2012 (Russ. ed.)
•  “Springtime on the Moon” (Frühling auf dem Mond) Surkamp Verlag. Berlin. 2013
• “Elephantina” (Елефантіна) Fabula. Ukraine. 2016 (Ukr. ed.)
•  “Forget Tarantino”. Aufbau Verlag. Berlin. 2005 (Germ. ed.) (short story collection)
•  “The Smile of the Ax”. Kolonna Publications. Prague. 2007 (short story collection) (Russ. ed.)
•  “Milin and the Magic Pencil” Bloomsbury/Berlin Verlag. 2005 (children’s book)(Germ. ed.)
•  “Simple Desires”. Alethea. St. Petersburgs, 2001 (Russ. ed.) (short story collection)
•  “The Dove’s Flight Over the Mud of Phobia”. novel. Obscuri viri. Moscow. 1997 (Russ. ed.)
•  “The Devil’s Childhood”. novel. Obscuri viri. Moscow. 1993 (Russ. ed.)

Suhrkamp Verlag. Berlin

Anthologies and collections

Arthenol art and literature magazine. New York. 2016 • “A Thousand Poets. One Language”. anthology. A Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum Foundation. Dubai. 2009 • “21 new storytellers” anthology. DTV. Munich. 2003 • “Russian flowers of the evil”. anthology. Exmo-Press. Moscow. 1997 • “Ruské kvety zla”. anthology. Belimex. Slovakia. 2001 • “Les fleurs du mal”. anthology. A. Michel. Paris 1997 • “I fiori del male russi”. anthology. Voland. Roma. in 2001 • “Cuentos rusos”. Anthology. Siruela. Madrid. 2006 • “Tema lesarva”. anthology. Gabo. Budapest. 2005 • “Contemporary Russian Prose”. anthology. Zacharov. Moscow. 2003 • “Il casualitico” (Fernando Pessoa. Amélie Nothomb. Valentino Zaichen. Renzo Paris. Franco Purini. Julia Kissina). Voland. Rome. 2003 • Lettre International literature magazine. N-71. Budapest. 2008 • New Literature magazine. Bucharest 4/1994 • Schreibheft literature magazine. # 59. Essen. Germany. 2002 • Via Regia literature magazine. #48/49. Berlin. 1997 • Mitin Journal literature magazine. Leningrad/Petersburg. annually •   Zvezda, St. Petersburg, 2011, 2015 •  Short Stories in Russian. anthology. New Penguin. 2017

Editor: “Revolution Noir” – the anthology of new Russian avant-gard. Suhrkamp. Berlin. 2017

Online English:

Short story in Body

Short story in Sensitive Skin

An excerpt from a novel, Eagles and Partridges, in Jewish Fiction

На русском:

Весна на луне (отрывки из романа) в журнале Звезда

Цирк Олимп


Awards and fellowships

2016 “The List of the Best” of the Southwest Broadcasting, Germany
2016 The First Prize of Magazine Zvezda in St. Petersburg for the Prose Works.
2013-2015 Prins Foundation Writers-in-Residence, The Center for Jewish History, New York,
2014 Alfred-Doeblin-Fellowship, Berlin
2012 Award for literature from the Berlin Senate
2012 Writer in Residence, Fundacion Valparaiso, Spain
2007 Writer in Residence, Schoeppingen
2005 Fellowship in the EU, Baltic Center for Writers and Translators, Visby, Sweden
2006 Award for literature from the Berlin Senate
2006 Writer in Residence, The International Writers and Translators Center of Rhodes, Greece

Critical acclaim

* Julia Kissina herself is a marvelous hybrid creature: internationally acting artist with an oeuvre of installations, art works and performances on the one hand and one of the most unconventional contemporary writers on the other. […] Her literary archeology of late socialism seems not at all reactionary but highly topical, as it does with Esterhazy or Tellkamp: because it’s the influences and mentalities of that time that cause the grotesques and tragedies in the European present.
Alexander Camman, DIE ZEIT, Germany


* The novel «Springtime on the Moon», with its Homeric humor, is a masterpiece in the spirit of Fellini’s «Amarcord», a book of memory. Kissina does not strike a single false note. It is one of the best (sharp, accurate, metaphysical) texts of our generation.

* An absurd, wonderfully wound-up and comical novel… Intense, eloquent, fantastic and amusing, but sometimes also malicious and merciless – this is what Julia Kissina’s novel proves to be. DEUTSCHLANDRADIO KULTUR, Germany

* Enchanted, crazy: Julia Kissina’s novel «Springtime on the Moon» convinces with warmth and humor, impudence and thoughtfulness.

* How can an adult convey a sense of the wealth and chaos of teenage consciousness? Julia Kisina does the impossible in «Springtime on the Moon». This is a striking work; an amazingly beautiful evocation of the lost world of youth, set in Kiev.
Clemens Hoffman, WEST-GERMAN BROADCASTING (WDR-5) Germany

* «Springtime on the Moon» is often studiedly amusing, but the attempt to take more than light fiction from her own memories lends Kissina’s book a Nabokovian dimension.

* As funny as Kaminer and as serious as Nabokov.

* In her intensity Kissina’s image-like prose recalls Bruno Schulz.


* «Elephantina’s Moscow Years» is a veritable inferno of a novel: smart, funny, imaginative, with powerful scenes.
Meike Fessmann, SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, Germany

* Kissina breaks open metaphors and puts them together anew, so that you have to laugh out loud or marvel at the sheer originality of it all. […] The colorful, grotesque, poetic images of «Elephantina» do not portray the well-known Moscow of the eighties, but evoke something quite different: a wild, anarchic counterculture.
Elisa von Hof, BERLINER MORGENPOST, Germany

* There is hardly another book that so illuminates the connection of tyranny, subversion and autonomy. This is a bright ‘ship of fools’ that is also a sacred citadel. Kissina parodies herself and at the same tine is deeply serious — like farce and liturgy, comedy and tragedy.
Andreas Breitenstein, NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, Switzerland

* Her unflinching will to see grotesque in the ugly, the supernatural in beauty, and the thread of the absurd running through it all, is a victory over the hardness of reality. That is what art, every art, can do. But it is rarely shown as inspiringly as here.
Katarina Granzin, FRANKFURTER RUNDSHAU, Germany

* A true odyssey through the cold and strange city – James Joyce could not have described it more radically or more closely. Julia Kissina’s language is a linguistic firework. It does not bore for a single moment, and despite the often bitter «gutter» story, a defiant humor flourishes throughout.
Barbara Raudszus, EGOTRIP, Germany

A collection of short stories

*Kissina uses dusty stereotypes as literary raw material and then gives them a new glow.

* The stories in Julia Kissina’s «Forget Tarantino» bubble over with fantasy. Great fun to read!

*»Forget Tarantino» is a real breakthrough. Julia Kissina’s stories inhabit the realm of the comically absurd, often full of hair-raising connections. As in the case of Elfriede Elinek, Kissina’s work has «the power of conviction».
Jean-Christophe Ammann, KUNSTZEITUNG, Germany

A collection of short stories

*One of the leading themes of Kissina’s prose is the interweaving of cruelty and cultural memory hidden underlayers of irony. Julia Kissina is a refined stylist, masterfully building her own and very peculiar narrative.

A collection of two short novellas and six stories

*These are the fantastic political conspiracies and intricate murders committed by women and children in the innocent guise of traditional literature. A beautiful young woman turns out to be a lethal political activist, a little girl is a serial killer, a mother with her child blows up a town, and in the Moscow market widows sell the mummies of their husbands killed in the Second World War.